Thursday, December 9, 2010

I am NOT my relaxer

Precious Pinkard
chemistry major
 with a forensic concentration

"It's not about the hair. It's about how comfortable you are in your skin."

Taaryn Wingate
Junior Broadcast journalism major
Political science minor

"Like India.Arie once sang, I am not my hair. My relaxer does not define me.

I am a gifted, talented, kind, scholar, who volunteers for Habitat for Humanity and Goodwill. I am a dedicated hardworker who barely parties but makes it my priority to study.

I am not my relaxer."


I am NOT ashamed

Running from decision and hiding from the truth is not a fullfilling way to live.                                                 
                                         That is why Joshua McMahon does not live like that.

Joshua McMahon
Sophomore, Physics major
from Virginia
"I have prooven myself, beyond the doubt and beyond the lack of well wishes and support, I did and I do what is necessary for myself now and in the future."

"I am young, I am black and I am a physicist."

I am NOT my tattoos nor am I a thug

I am NOT my Tattoos
I am NOT a Thug

Tattoos have different meanings to different people, but how are they recieved by others?

Some students with tattoos have gotten dirty looks. They assume maybe people may have preceived them to be a thug.

However, tattoos do not make the man.

Thaddeus Boone
Sophomore mathematics
 and computer science
at Hampton University

"I am not a thug because of my tattoos.
I am an intellect who embraces the art of his tattoos."


I am NOT my booty!

R. Kelly sang runs saying booty. Sir Mix-A-Lot like big butts. And Mike Jones likes his women with a "slim waist and a big behind."
                  However, women are not their backsides.

Stephanie Arterbery
 Junior public relations major
 at Hampton University
 from Dallas, Texas.

Arterbery is active student on campus.

"I am involved in the His Chosen Sounds Gospel Choir, Junior class Exective Council, the Hampton Athletics Marketing Team, the NPHC and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated."

She spent her summer learning more about the communication industry.

"During the summer, I worked in the communications department at an administration building."

                                                            Next stop graduation.
                                                            Then, graduate school
                                                            Destination: Career in event planning or publicity